1. Critical Build
Pros :
- No many status needed (so it'll take less time to build this type of character).
- It's totally cheap than other build.
- Great for looting (Most of the weapon is silence weapon).
- High Endurance so it'll give higher health and sprint.
- Great for grinding
Cons :
- Need armor that required str status, because this build need more defend.
- Not good for PVP type
- Need high critical, because the normal damage for weapon is less than other weapon (so it will need critical hit for high damage)
Pros :
- Great for looting and grinding.
- Really usefull, and can tank OA him self if this build already complete.
- It can change to Hybrid Build if this build already complete (add more stat to str).
Cons :
- Expensive Ammo.
- Middle Damage per second , and low Knock back rate.
- Not good for PVP except it already turn to hybrid build.
I totally suggest you to not choose this build from the beginning, just build an assault build then turn it to hybrid build is the best way.
Pros :
- Great for looting (use silence weapon for looting)
- Great for grinding
- Great Damage per second, High knock back (shotgun), and could wear greatest armor
- High Damage and there are so many available weapon to choose.
Cons :
- Too many status consume
- Need high machine gun status
- Not good for PVP except you already in high level
4. PVP Build
Just for player that need to take down other player the most.
Pros :
- Great for PVP
- This build also could be use for PVE but not effective like other build
Cons :
- Need many status point
- Not recommended to PVE
- Expensive weapon
- Not good for looting
Credit to : om2genit